
Thursday, December 3, 2015

5ive Friday

hey y'all! 

Am I the only one that spent catching up on work all week?! Like I could almost go without the break with the amount of catching up I had this week whew! Bring on the weekend..we have two full days of wrestling and church all day Sunday so it's a pretty busy weekend. Even played catch up with you guys on Tuesday..eek!

Luckily, it's my favorite day with you guys..I get to hear y'alls favorites and share mine so it's a win, win! I've been making some small changes around on my little space by adding new social media buttons on the right hand side[hopefully making it easier for you guys to contact me] and updating my About Me. I love growing in the blog world and changing things up at my little spot on the internet! Now on to my [drum roll please] FAVORITES:

1||  JE Fit App [iPhone & Android]
I had to go to my annual lady doctor appointment [always a blast!...#muchsarcasm] and he suggested adding some weight training in with my runs. He mentioned this app and it's so easy to set up on your phone [free to download!] and such a quick go to for you to get some weighted reps into your workout whether you are at home or at the gym. You can pick a body part and it lists all the different weighted exercises you can do, it even charts your progress!

 2|| Water Under The Bridge- Adele 
SO freakin' catchy y'all! It helped with my runs this week for sure. [Also Kelly Ripa is in this video and she is my girl BAE]

3|| Email Newsletter -Well+Good 
I love their website and the newsletter always lists a summary of what they are talking about on the site. Great, informative reads! It's my top on healthy lifestyle blogs! My favorite on the site this week was the interview with trainer, Holly Rilinger...a must read even if you have never heard of her!

4|| Oil Pulling
The more I do it y'all, the more I love it. My teeth are now SIGNIFICANTLY whiter with still no pain to the broke tooth [which they won't get to fix till Saturday...double EEK!]
What I've Been Doing-
  • Little less than a tablespoon of Coconut Oil 
  • Swish around my mouth for anywhere from 5-15 minutes, just whatever I can handle for that moment...Normally in the mornings too
  • Spit into a cup or straight into the garbage because it can clog a drain 
Yes I did gag the first time, but I quickly got over that and actually enjoy it now. It lives a nice coconut-y taste in your mouth afterwards and my dentist commented on my gum health this past weekend so thumbs up for oil pulling going into week 2.

 5|| Current Obsessions: Tennis Shoes/Sneakers
I've accepted the fact that I wear active wear everyday of my life and now I've accepted that I NEED more sneakers in my life. I have 1 pair y'all...count it 1 pair. So I've been obsessing/dreaming of one day having at least 2 pairs in my closet and these are the current obsessions.

I've always loved a flyknit.
 I need hightops in my life.

Then there is metallic sneakers.
&& last but not least..your classics.

Linking up, as usual! 
Meet @ The Barre
Momfessionals + A Little Bit Of Everything + Grace/Love 
Cup of Tea + Coffee with Caitlin + Bright on a Budget + Della Devoted

See y'all back for Monday! Happy weekend! 


  1. I've never heard of Well+Good, but I love new sites so thanks for sharing that one! Hope you have a great weekend girl!! xo, Biana -BlovedBoston

  2. I am so vain about my teeth being white...I might have to try oil pulling! Not going to lie it freaks me out a little but I'll do a lot for white teeth!! And also, I've been really wanting some high tops but not sure I can pull them off! Have a great weekend!

  3. Oil pulling totally intrigues me but I'm not sure I can handle it!

  4. I need to go back to oil pulling. I tried it for awhile a couple of years ago but then just stopped. I'm downloading that app. I need to get back into working out again as well.

  5. I love natural solutions, and oil pulling seems like something I should be doing. Thanks for inspiring me to try this tonight! Have a great weekend! Laura & Sarah, Kindly Kentucky

  6. I tried the oil pulling for about 2 days & I couldnt handle it - I have such a bad gag reflex & plus, I hated not talking for the time to swish - haha

  7. Ooo I haven't seen that Adele video before! I just love her!

  8. I have not tried oil pulling yet, I am hesitant but hear great things. I don't want to gag. Hope you have a great weekend.

  9. Ahh, Oil Pulling is back in the blog world. I don't know if I'd be able to stick with it!

  10. So many awesome things you just introduced me to!
    The App - I downloaded it as soon as I read that! Definitely need some good weight training in my life so I'm excited to check it out!
    Oil Pulling - I've never even heard of it so I'm very intrigued! I will definitely be reading that article and looking in to it!
    Tennis Shoes - I have the biggest obsession with running shoes! I would wear them every day if I could! The Nikes are my favorite of the ones you blogged about!

  11. Adele's whole album is my jam right now. I feel like it's different somewhat from her other album as it is less poppy and more blues, but regardless it rocks! Have a great weekend :)

  12. Even though I use whitening toothpaste...nothing is working for me lately...I might have to try this oil pulling!!! I'll have to check out that fit app too!! =)

    Have a great weekend! Melanie | Blog: Toots + Dill

  13. I allllllways love tennis shoes and sneakers! Excited to read your new about me as well. And I want to check out that app! It's so crazy how important weight training is for us. I'm trying to incorporate it too!

  14. Ok... you may have gotten me interested in oil pulling. I've heard about it for a few years, but never tried it. Now I need to! And that fitness app looks really awesome. I'm just starting to add strength training too, and this looks perfect. Hope you've had a wonderful weekend!! Thanks for linking up with us at H54F!

  15. Didn't know oil pulling would help whiten teeth!

  16. I'm loving high tops sneakers! I'm curious to try oil pulling... and now I know why my sink was clogged when I was using coconut oil as a hair mask. Whoops! Also, love Adele!


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