
Thursday, August 27, 2015

Own It Thursday

hi lovelies!

 So today I am OWNING it and y'all it ain't pretty but hopefully I ain't the only one! I've been working some crazy hours the past two days so first, I am owning that I am dragging ha. Linking up with one of my favs, as usual!

Chipped Nails
I will spend a lot of time painting my nails, but the minute I see a chip I start picking and peeling them and you will find it EVERYWHERE. My husband loves it #sarcasm, it's something that I have done literally since I was a tiny girl. I remember mom letting me get a manicure for my Kindergarten graduation and being told multiple times, DON'T PEEL!

Willy Wonka
I am truly terrified of Willy Wonka and that DUMB movie. When I watched it at like 5 years old, I cried my eyes out because it SCARED me to death and I never grew to like it. HATE IT. No thanks. #hatethoseorangefellas


The tv show, not the people this time ha! I go to sleep every night with my phone on my pillow and FRIENDS on netflix playing. It's a happy show, it's my favorite show, it helps me to shut my brain off and it sends me into a peaceful slumber #hahaha 


Ever since I was a teenager and first started texting, I use exclamation points after every sentence because I never want people to think I am not excited to talk to them. It's such a problem that now my husband and my mom do it ha and if one of us ever leave an exclamation point off of a sentence, we assume that they are pissed. Also, I have to make a sincere effort not to use one when I am texting for work or posting on here #tryingtobeprofessional

{just imagine this is me when someone texts me}

Hope I'm not alone in this craziness! See y'all tomorrow for Friday Favorites! 
ps. it's two months till my birthday yayyay!  


  1. I’m the same way with chipped nails! Once I spot a chip, it’s all down hill from there!

    1. Girl, it's bad and I leave droppings everywhere! Thanks for reading!

  2. You're not alone! I don't enjoy Willy Wonka either. I saw it as a kid, got scared, never watched it again. But my Papa does have a dog named Willy, and I call him Willy Willy Willy Wonka... Ha!
    I'm also the same about texting with exclamation points. If I don't put one, I feel like the person receiving the text will think I'm not interested in texting them. It's also hard for me not to use one after every sentence when I'm typing on the computer!

    1. Haha so glad I am not alone! That things scares me to death to this day! Thanks for stopping by!

  3. I do the SAME thing with my nails. The second one starts to chip I immediately peel all of it off. Even if only one finger is chipped.

    <3, Pamela
    Sequins & Sea Breezes

    1. Same here, it's awful how many times I ruin a good manicure ha! Thanks for stopping by, girly!

  4. AHH! I was also afraid of Willy Wonka!!! AND YES on the exclamation points!! I overuse them too (for example, in this comment) and think people are mad if they don't haha!

    1. So glad I am not alone! Ha, I totally do the same thing with exclamation points even with comments and blog posts! I just know y'all think I am crazy!

  5. Hahahah I always use exclamations. I hate when people don't use punctuation or just a period mark. I'm like are you even happy to be talking to me?? Are you mad?? I don't know!!!!!!!

    1. So the same way, even my mom and husband will text me asking if I'm mad if I don't use one...which I usually am if it's to them haha!

  6. I'm so bad about explanation points too! Every time I post a comment on a blog, I try not to be too exclamation point happy because I don't want them to think that I'm yelling! I'm just super excited :)

    1. Haha I totally read it as excitement, people are probably yelling at me half the time but I never catch on #colormegullible

  7. I always pick at mine too! Another reason I don't ever wear nail polish. Haha on the texting! I bet your keyboard just knows to add it in.

    liz jo @ sundays with sophie

    1. I know, sometimes I get so frustrated with myself I go periods of time without wearing any but nails are not pretty so I usually have to slap some on! My keyboard totally knows to add them by default hahah.

  8. I love Friends and everyday wish that it was still on!

    1. oh my gosh me too, no lie the theme song was what I walked down the isle too but this version...

  9. So, I've never actually seen Willy Wonka... I was a sheltered child, haha. I feel like I over use exclamation points when I'm commenting on blogs sometimes. I agree with you, I'm just excited & don't want to come off as a downer!

    1. Girl, you did not miss anything but just being terrified for the rest of your life #imalittledramatic but still haha. I am glad you are on the excitement train with me !!! #exclamationsforlife

  10. I used to watch friends every night going to bed too :) such a great show and it's so funny to see their outfits now all these years later!

  11. I am terrible with picking my nails, too. I HATE having chipped nails and just want it all gone after that. Besides, I always love when I get a big piece off. :)


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