
Wednesday, June 24, 2015

What's Up Wednesday

wowwww have I missed y'all!! I love being back in the blogging world and I want to assure you that I will not do that again [it was seriously an emergency and I'll let you guys in on that tomorrow when I show y'all what's been going on this week]. So put my normal Monday & Tuesday's on a pause for this week and let's just pick right up for "What's Up Wednesday" where I'm linking up with my favorite bloggers to join in on there last Wednesday of the month adventures.

 Just a reminder of the questions we go over.....[link up with us too!] 

What We're Eating This Week.....
 I mentioned that this week has been crazy for us [we literally ate cup noodles for two meals one day] but this was my favorite purchase from my most recent grocery run...

This with chips or carrots is my favorite summer snack right now! [during the summer we LOVE anything with lime!]

What I'm Reminiscing About...
Thinking about how relaxing [minus a few events] this summer is compared to last summer! 
This Summer.... we're like

What I'm Loving..
The warm air and soaking in the time I get to see my husband because that changes August 1st! 

What We've Been Up To..
Well I was gonna update you tomorrow more but we got a call Saturday while in Atlanta that my grandmother was being rushed to the hospital with some bleeding so I've been chauffeuring different people back and forth to the hospital and she finally got to come home today and Tripp's grandmother is still there[for about 3 days both our grandmothers were on the same floor in the same hospital]. In between chauffeuring, we cut the grass today in 104 degree Alabama heat! 

What I'm Dreading..
Returning to work tomorrow, working a customer service type of job - people aren't always the most understanding of having to take days off [even if it's a family emergency].
What I'm Working On....
I'm deep cleaning my house this week in between work and everything's a pretty big dread because it is a bigger ordeal than expected! The slip and slide party with my family is scheduled for Saturday, right now it is predicted to storm but we are playing it by ear.

What I'm Excited About...
Honestly, after getting my grandparents home from the last hospital ride last night, I was just excited to have life go back to semi-normal [getting back to you guys!], regular work schedule, exercise, etc. 
What I'm Watching and Reading...
The trainwreck that is The Bachelorette.... #TEAMSHAWNB
Currently not reading anything but I am thinking about starting this...

What I'm Listening To..
I read about this podcast on buzzfeed {link: here} and tried it out. LOVE IT! She gives tips on how to live an all around healthier life [starting the 1 minute rule asap!].  Listen to it and let me know what you think. 

What I'm Wearing....
I had some serious generosity showed to me this past week. One of my readers read some of the posts about my brother and asked if she could spoil me with some of the shorts I had posted a few posts back. I seriously could not see how I could accept this offer but my mom told me that I shouldn't take this sweet lady's blessing away. 

So she sent me a sweet e-gift card and I was able to get a few of the shorts posted [some were sold out.]  I got...

 and a few more things! I'll show y'all Friday! 
What I'm Doing This Weekend...
We started a small group at our church this past Friday night so we have that to look forward to, as well as the Slip and Slide Party on Saturday! 

What I'm Looking Forward To Next Month....
Tripp and I are taking our mama's on a relaxing beach trip the week of our 1st anniversary! We had several trips last year just the two of us so we thought we could get these girls away with us this time. 

What Else Is New.... 
I went to the dermatologist a few weeks ago and left y'all hanging on what happened, well she put me on one prescription pill and two creams for it. She said it could take from 3 weeks to 3 months [I go back in to see her in September].  I really enjoyed my experience at Village Dermatology and I feel like so far [2 weeks in] my skin is looking better [which isn't great but BETTER!]. I posted the two creams she has me on and they haven't been irritating me at all [unlike any washes, creams or toners I have tried thus far]. 

Check back tomorrow for a post about everything going on this week!

What Are You Doing For The 4th?...
We haven't decided yet but I did ask to watch the fireworks on the local lake in our area so hopefully we get too! Our town has fireworks downtown but nothing beats seeing them on the water. 



  1. Love this post!! Love to see what you're up to! That is so sweet that a reader sent you such a sweet gift! Have a great day, Lindsay!


  2. Coming over from Paige's home today :-) Great round up! I have heard so many great things about that hummus I need to check it out. I heard the bachelorette was horrific and the best train wreck show to watch, this season I really need to catch up!


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