
Wednesday, March 18, 2015

What's Up Wednesday

I am linking up with one of my favorite bloggers, Shay at MixandMatchMama for "What's Up Wednesdays". Shay has the best posts and if you are a "Bachelor" fan you will know her as Season 17's Bachelor Sean's sister. 

What we're eating this week: 
I'm usually not one for cooking, I haven't found my niche in it yet. That being said....Tripp made Paleo Chili at his small group on Sunday and I must say it was delish. He made a huge pot that I ate on for a 3 days before freezing the rest. Very proud of the hubs. 

What I'm reading: 
My goal here lately is to read one self-help, one fiction that I can enjoy and one bible study. I mentioned in an earlier post that I am reading Grief Healing Techniques which I HIGHLY
recommend for anyone needing help with grief in anyway. 

For my fiction, I am looking to find a new one. So any recommendations, comment with them please! 

Then there is my Bible study...again SHEREADSTRUTH is perfect for any female needing a different approach to your typical Bible study. It's an APP, but you can also purchase the study guides for a few of the plans which are BEAUTIFUL> I have Esther currently.  

What I'm reminiscing about:
Obviously constantly reminiscing about this guy... #sorrynotsorry it'll be a year April 5th so I know the posts surrounding that date will probably more sentimental than most. 

 What I'm looking forward to:

Since Tripp and I both work in education (well me, sort of) we have next week off for spring break and while we aren't going away we are going to try to do some fun stuff around here. I know one day I want to go to one of the parks for some outdoor time, plus some must needed car washing, grass cutting, etc. It should be fun tho! 

What I'm loving: 

Well these two specifically, ever since she was forced to spend at least 24 hours with us during all the snow/ice we all most DEFINITELY bonded. I love this babe and am so enjoying this time that she is living with us. I know one day life/we will different/harder/older so I am trying to remember to enjoy this time in our marriage/being roommates. I have to say it isn't too hard because these two are quite fun :)

 Also..this past weekend I came down with some throat burning crude so I am currently loving me some emergen-c as well #yuktobeingsick.

What I've been up to:

 Well work (obvs), a lot of PB and Hot Yoga...honestly our weeks are pretty monotonous around here. It's baseball season so Tripp works late with games or practice, I work till the same time everyday and go straight to some sort of class that makes me sweat and then beds it in there somewhere as well.

I applied for 3 jobs that I would be excited about so fingers crossed. 

 What I'm dreading:
Apparently allergy season or whatever the heck is wrong with is no bueno. 

What I'm working on:

Finding the energy to go to Yen Yoga tonight and this blog... besides that I currently don't have many projects going on at the house and a ton of projects going on at work (hellllo, graduation time). 

What I'm excited about:

The weekend...too soon?!

What I'm watching:

Just started The Mindy Project this past weekend and omg...LOVE LOVE. She is me, err I am her. Hilarious! If you love New Girl or comedy or laughing, in general it is a MUST watch. 

What I'm listening to:

I mean it's Queen Bey so do I need to give you a reason?! 

What am I annoyed by:

 Allergies, tiredness, acne, my love for food...choose one or all that is me. This ^^^ doesn't deserve a cute picture soo.

What am I hoping for:

A peaceful rest of the week! Yes Mothers, those without children appreciate peace as well. 

What am I wearing today:

Workout clothes currently, or always. whatevs.  

What else is new:
 I think y'all know just about everything by now but here is a cute pic of tobes just in case you need more. Also, I felt like this was one of those old myspace bulletins I used to do and I loved those so ergo I loved this. 

What's up with you?        


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